Here are pictures to hold and treasure these memories....
Sheerah and Joanna arrived home few days earlier to help out in the preparation....mostly cleaning work. Extra hands and energy is sure a great help for aging parents :) So grateful for their effort.
CNY is a time of looking forward to seeing our children arriving home.
CNY EVE - 9 FEB (Sat)
After dinner, we had a time of fire crackers.
Joanna bought some crafting materials. Tiffany and Ivan were trying to do the craft and Joanna had to guide them in the making...hahaha...following the tutorial guide online. They were some kind of Japanese stuff and edible too. We tried not because they tasted good but because they were edible.
Then we waited for the fireworks to start in our neighborhood, which usually started around 15min to 12midnight.
We could easily watch and enjoy the brightened up sky of fireworks from our balcony.
Every year, it is our usual pattern on Day 1 of CNY when we go visiting as a family. PoPo's house should be the first one where we gathered to have our breakfast before going off visiting relatives and close friends together. We managed to visit only a few.

Then we would take some family shots together.
Teo got to attend a reunion dinner with his class/school mates in Kuching on the 4th day of CNY. I joined him two days later when Marcus n Chris went back to KL. Sheerah extended her stay to accompany PoPo till we got back from Kuching.
A couple friends joined us for a short vacation in Kuching. We had a time of more shopping than visiting though :) Well, it was a good reunion with Kuching relatives anyway...havent been there for 3 years.
We came home to a nice surprise....our wall decorated with cards and family pics, with our latest family pic right at the top center, designed by Sheerah. I love it!
It was a lot of eating since CNY eve, which lasted over several weekends after, as we gathered to have dinner at different friends' houses. So I gathered weight along with all the dinners....and now life is back to a quiet mode...time to cut off the extra weight gained.
The best thing is yet to come.....