1 Oct 2010 at 10:30am
This was done at MGC, Canada Hill, in Rev Caleb's office.
"Please make sure your name is correct."

"Happy? Good, sign the paper."

"This is the most serious moment of my life...I am getting married!"

"Ok, now your turn to check on your name."

 "Ok, I do."

"Hey, make sure you are signing on the right place." 

"No play play."

Allan, checking on his name before he signed.  He is one of the 2 witnesses.

Allan: "Ok, no problem with me. I am not the one getting married anyway."

Julian: "Now my turn."

Without Rev Chian's signature, the paper won't be legal.

Acknowledge receipt.

To Marcus and Chris:

"Finally it is on paper and bound by the law but it works much better when you are bound in God's love.  It takes the rest of your lives together to make it work stay in love and work on it to make it last. May God stay in your marriage for as long as you live and may you always have enough of His goodness and love to last your life time together."

Love, Mom.

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