Program layout and Powerpoint - designed by the groom's mum.
church wedding
More PowerPoint presentations from MT
On the wedding day.......
Both the Groom and the Bride were getting ready for their church wedding.
(Music: Get me to church on time from the movie MY FAIR LADY)
PRELUDE - The Wedding Song... "This is the day"
THE BRIDAL PROCESSION - “Clair de Lune” by Debussy
This piece was chosen by the bride herself.
Pastor Dicky Wong - the Master of Ceremony
Pastor Jason Ting - the Translator (from English to Mandarin)
Ps Dicky and Ps Jason worked well together. Though for the first time as a translator, Ps Jason did a great job of translating both for the MC and also the message by Elder Lucas.
And I like the part when Ps Dicky announced Marcus and Christina as the NEWEST WEDDED COUPLE IN MIRI! Cool!
THE PRAISE and WORSHIP SONG - "Bind Us Together Lord" Words by Bob Gillman
This hymn is about praise and celebration of the union and speaks of the desire that God goes with the couple into their future to help them live out their vows.
THE SCRIPTURE READING - by the groom's parents
We tried 3 couples and each time there was one of the spouses who couldn't make it. When even getting 2 children to do the reading did not work out due to some church policy, we ended up deciding to do it ourselves as parents. And it turned out to be an encouraging testimony....Praise the Lord!
(Music: 爱的真谛 Love - by Beijing Angelic Choir )
"A Happy Marriage" - by Elder Lucas Tang; Translation by Ps Jason Ting
Elder Lucas delivered a good message and we received several feedbacks from relatives and friends on being encouraged by the message. He is also the couples' marriage counsellor for the past months before their wedding.
(Music: Love Never Fails)
Elder Lucas was part of Marcus' life in Miri as he directed Marcus in the drama "JASON" in one of Lu Zhou's concerts. (14-15 Sept 2001)
The "before and after" for the character "JASON"
"JASON" at Dewan Suara.

Above: "Jason" in blue pants with a wig on. Below: Another scene with his wig off.

We are blessed to have Rev Caleb to solemnize the wedding for Marcus and Christina.
"Obsolutely, I do"
The wedding ring is a symbol of eternity. It is an outward sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two hearts in endless love. And now as a token of love and deep desire of Marcus and Christina, to be forever united in heart and soul.
"With this ring, I thee wed."
Lift the veil....
THE UNITY CANDLE symbolises.....
The two outside candles have been lighted ..... represent both MARCUS' and CHRISTINA's lives in this moment.
They are two distinct lights, each capable of going their separate ways.
As Marcus and Christina join now in marriage, there is a merging of these two lights into one light.
This is what the Lord meant when He said, "On this account a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall be one flesh."
From now on Marcus' and Christina's thoughts shall be for each other rather than their individual selves.
Marcus' and Christina's plans shall be mutual, their joys and sorrows shall be shared alike.
As they each take a candle and together light the center one, they will extinguish their own candles, thus letting the center candle represent the union of their lives into one flesh.
As this one light cannot be divided, neither shall their lives be divided but a united testimony in a Christian home. May the radiance of this one light be a testimony of their unity in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I was looking for a nice and meaningful song to be presented to Marcus and Chris and I came across this new wedding song "It Takes Three". Exactly what I designed to put on the ring pillow! What a nice theme to go with the wedding!
What a beautiful song and it was presented beautifully by Mr and Mrs Joseph Wee. It was also a very special moment for the singing couple as they sang to Marcus, who was their page-boy at their wedding 22 years ago. Marcus was only 4 then. It was his 1st time as a page-boy followed by a few more after that. Here are a few pics I managed to dig out showing Marcus, the little page-boy, at their wedding.

The pic below was taken during their rehearsal at the church. They put alot of effort into writing out the music sheet by listening to the song downloaded from internet and practicing it together. They did a wonderful job.
To the groom and the bride....
THE CLOSING SONG - "Thank You Lord" by Don Moen
The pics inserted shows the joy as we sang with a grateful heart.....
"Let's welcome the newest wedded couple in Miri!"
The Groom's side

The Bride's side

The joint-network of the two families

The Groom's and Bride's friends

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