I tried out some flowers for
Sheerah's card making. At first, I tried out a few with wool but the flowers came out quite bulky and thick. Then I tried working with some cotton threads and I like them better. Sheerah likes them all.
They are so easy to make and can be done in a short time. I was able to crochet 2 pcs on the way to the airport (accompanying Sheerah-off to KL)
Below are some I made for Sheerah's card-buddy,
Marlene...all done in few hrs. I wrote out a few of the patterns for those of you who may be interested.

Flower A:
Ch 6 to form ring; ch 1; (sc; ch 8;) to make 5 loops; slip stitch to 1st ch
Ch 1; (sc into loop; hdc; 6dc; hdc; sc; )repeat for all the loops; slip stitch to 1st ch

Flower B:
Magic loop; sc 10; slip st; Ch 1; (sc; ch 3; skip 1 stitch;) making 6 small spaces; slip st
Slip st to space; ch 5; treble dc 4; ch5; slip st; in same space; repeat for all the 3 ch space

Flower C:
Magic loop; ch 3; tr 3; ch 3; slip st to loop; repeat to make 5 petals.
Close magic loop and tie both ends together.
I also tried out few heart patterns which I found online.
Heart A: (click on the heart to go to its origin)
Row 1: Ch 5 to make a ring; ch 3; dc 2; ch 2; (dc 3; ch 2) 3 times; slip stitich along the 3 dc;
Row 2: (Ch 3; dc 2; ch 2; dc 3;) in same 2 ch sp;
ch 2; (dc 3; ch 2; dc 3;) in same 2 ch sp; repeat another 2 more; slip stitch along the 3 dc;
Row 3: ch 1; (double tr; ch 1) 7 times into next space; slip stitch into next sp: repeat another round; this will make the heart shapes.
Optional: sc all round to finish off.
Heart B: (click on the heart to go to its origin)
Magic loop
Ch 2; tr 3; dc 3; ch; tr; ch; dc 3; tr 3; ch 2; slip stitch to loop
Slip stitch to 1st ch; sc to 2nd ch; dc 2 to next 3 tr stitches; dc to next 3 dc stitches; dc to ch sp; tr 3 to tr stitch; dc to next 3 dc; dc 2 to next 3 tr; sc; slip stitch to last ch; tie
Sheerah was asking if I could make bigger ones. I tried these few with two kinds of rope. The white ones are made from the same rope I used for the flowers I made for
my bag earlier. The darker ones are made from marina rope (not sure if it has another name) which I bought from Daiso when I was in PJ in June.

Pattern for the above flower:
Row 1: Magic Loop; ch 1; (sc; ch 2; repeat till you have 6(2ch) spaces; slip st to 1st ch.
Row 2: ch 1; sc into the (2ch) space; (ch 5; sc into next space;) repeat all round; slip st to 1st ch
Row 3: slip the ch loop to the back and sc into the back of 1st sc of Row 2; ch 3; sc into back of next sc (between the two 5ch-spaces); slip st
Row 4: ch 1; (hdc; dc 4; hdc;) into (3ch)space all round; slip st to 1st ch; tie
Enjoy your crocheting!