With this tree up, there is Christmas in the air. It is really beautiful! It does make me miss having the whole family together.
CHRISTMAS EVE - 24 December 2010
So for the first time we had our Christmas Eve out of home and at Daniel & Jeannie's home. I believe Tiffany and Ivan were really happy to have their first Christmas Eve at home. They have been spending their C-Eves with us so far.
Christmas tree with the presents in a net! Great idea Daniel! |
Chit Chat after meal.... Then the champagne! |
Then the group photos! |
Ivan couldn't wait to open the presents! |
PoPo loves the little gifts she got from Sheerah.
Tiffany and Ivan love this Tai-Gu-Jie very much.
CHRISTMAS EVENING - 25 /December 2010
We spent it with MGC's Krokop youth group. They had their prog that night at UNDER 1ROOF. It was a nice cozy setup for the evening. Rv Jason lined up the night's prog with solos and true life stories. We enjoyed it very much.