At last I got this bag finished for my mom.. It is for her to use when going to church on Sunday. I have left this project aside for many years and now I know why. I dont enjoy crocheting on a plastic mesh netting. It caused too much stress on my arm. This bag took me 2 weeks because I kept putting it off to rest my arm. Finally it is done and I am so happy....cant wait to give it to her tomorrow, when we will be going out together.
The 2 rolls of nylon thread I had were just enough to finish the bag with its handles. I actually have to use remaining tails from here and there to finish off one of the handles.
I used the remaining thread from the water bottle pouch to make a flower as a holder infront. As I ran totally out of thread, I used my brown cotton thread to do the rope to hold onto the may notice the color and texture difference at close-up.

I dont think I will do another crocheting on a plastic mesh....rough work for me.